Saaol – our unique organization – will complete 25 years of its successful journey on 29th September 2020. This date incidentally falls on the “World Heart Day”. When Dr. Bimal Chhajer, our director and Founder resigned from the post of Assistant Professor at the AIIMS, New Delhi to start this clinic exactly 25 years from now, it was a journey to the unknown. His research at the AIIMS had wonderful results and he had taken up a larger goal to spread his findings to the masses and make it a successful tool to treat millions of heart patients. We have been largely successful with the help of our patients, supporters, and blessings of God.
We had a whole lot of plans to celebrate this silver Jubilee year but Covid-19 spoiled all our plans. But our motto and resolve to educate the masses on simple ways to avoid heart attacks will definitely speed up to cover the whole world in the coming years. We plan to lead a revolution towards a healthy heart.
Saaol – Science and Art of Living - provides a wholistic but non-invasive heart care all across the world but mostly in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. With its 93 present branches, we are now spread all across India and our popularity is increasing at a high speed. Saaol advocates “Non-Invasive Medical Management” – which includes a few crucial games changing concepts. Our Medical management starts with the education of heart patients and their family explaining to them the facts about heart disease – what happens, how it happens, the mistakes they make, and the consequences that may come in the future. Using simple videos, pictures, chart our doctors, experts prepare the patients not to increase the blocks but to reverse the heart problem. We give them the logic behind actual heart care and give them confidence. This is just opposite to what the heart hospitals do – they instill panic and fear to force the heart patients to undergo their therapy – which are mostly money making operative procedures called Bypass Surgery or Angioplasty.
The second step is the training of Heart patients on lifestyle changes – diet, exercise, yoga, and Stress Management. We developed a special type of cooking called “Zero oil Cooking”, a complete diet model to reverse heart disease – creating taste and variety. Our treatment also has cooking classes for the caregivers – the family members of the heart patients. We explain to them what they are allowed to do and not on the exercise and physical activity side. We try to train their mind on how to reduce stress in their practical life to an optimum level. Yoga is also taught to them as a part of the therapy. The third step is providing a medical cover which includes medical tests to assess heart disease and monitor the improvement, Modern medicine (allopathic) to provide the patients with complete protection and symptom relief. We use all the possible medicines that any advanced cardiologist across the world can use to reduce Cholesterol/Triglycerides, Blood Pressure, and Blood Glucose. These reduce the risk of heart patients immediately and make them safe. We give them anti anginal, thinners, and medicines whichever is needed for them from the allopathic side. This completes our basic treatment.
The fourth of Saaol’s treatment is an advanced treatment called Natural Bypass(also called ECP/EECP in medical science) and Detoxification with EDTA. These are optional for advanced heart patients. Both of these therapies are completely scientific and evidence-based. The results of these therapies are unquestionable. Along with the above four steps, Saaol advocates Ayurveda/Herbal medicines, Homeopathy, Unani, and other alternative therapies to willing patients. We have gradually seen the acceptance of this type of therapy from heart patients, especially those who have suffered badly from the complications of Bypass surgery or Angioplasty. To my mind, the modern medical science hospitals are gradually losing ground as the number of heart patients across the country is increasing - by ignoring the first two steps that Saaol provides to heart patients – Education and Lifestyle training. They are the most important. In this issue of Saaol Times, we cover the concept of Allopathic medicine use by Saaol and other heart Hospitals. --Dr. Bimal Chhajer