
Mr. R S Agarwal
Founder Emami Group of Companies



  • Introduction
  • SAAOL's Calories Counting System
  • Diet Tips
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Jadoo Diet

This is the best possible diet program for losing weight at a rapid speed. Developed by Dr. Bimal Chhajer, The founder of Saaol and famous Heart care and Lifestyle Expert. The concept is “Eat as much and still keep on losing weight”. The key is to eat only low calories but you can eat food without any amount of restriction. The number of times for eating can also increase depending on hunger. You do not need to make a diet chart with any calories (like 1000 calories, 1200 calories, or any other). There is no need to spend fees on consultation to create a calorie-wise diet chart. All you need to understand - what a magic diet is, then you can make a diet plan for yourself or anyone.

The concept of Calories in Jadoo Diet

The word ‘calorie’ is perhaps one of the most talked and discussed words of the modern world. Most of us are so-called ‘calorie-conscious’. Scientifically speaking, a calorie is ‘unit’ of energy, it is, ‘the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one-degree centigrade from 14.5 C to 15.5 C’. In layman’s language, we can say ‘as petrol to the car the same as a calorie to the body’, that means calorie is fuel for the body, which comes from the food we eat.

All the food we eat or drink, except plain water, contains calories. The calorie content of the food depends on its composition. All the food items are made with three calorie giving items namely carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Protein and carbohydrate part of the food gives 4 Kcal of energy from 1 gm of food each, and fat gives 9 kcal of energy per gm of food. Let’s understand this with an example;

1 pc of bread is roughly 35 gm, its composition is:
Moisture 10 gm
Protein negligible
Fat negligible
Carbohydrates 25 gm

Since moisture is water so it will contribute 0 calories, and protein and fat content are negligible, so here we consider only 25 gram of carbohydrate, according to which 1 pc of bread will give 100 Kcal of energy (as 1 gm of carbohydrate gives 4 Kcal of energy therefore 25 gm will give 25 * 4= 100 Kcal of energy). Similarly, all other food which we eat contains these basic ingredients in different proportions and has calorie content accordingly.

Modifications in Jadoo Diet

Oil has a lot of Calories (1 gram is equal to 9 Calories). Jadoo diet allows people to eat cooked food – mainly vegetables and Dal/pulses, but they should be without oil. Saaol has developed a complete cooking system called Zero Oil cooking where cooking is done without oil.

Jadoo diet leads to lots of weight reduction – in the tune of 5-7 kg per month. So, it does not require people to follow it lifelong. One or two meals of Jadoo diet can be replaced when one reaches the ideal or target weight. Then they are allowed cereals like rice and wheat but the cooking of vegetable and dals should be “Zero oil”. This can be called “Jadoo Maintenance diet”. This assures that the weight does not increase again.

SAAOL'S Calories Counting System

SAOOL’s Calorie Counting System – for Common People

Today the world is accepting the power of simplicity, more simple is the information more relevant it is in our day to day life. The information if given in simple, short and easy language makes deeper impact. One interesting thing what we did, is rather than using the word ‘calorie’ we used the word ‘Rs’.

We made the divisions as per the calorie content of particular food ‘group’ and clustering them together reducing confusion to the minimal.
Have a look at it:

1. 20 Rs. notes- all Vegetables and Salads (except Potato) comes in this category, which means if a person eats 100 gm of these he will get 20 Kcal of energy.

2. 50 Rs. notes- all Fruits come in this category (except Banana, Mango, Litchi and Cheeku), that means no matter which fruit you are eating in any case it will give 50 Kcal of energy on its 100 gm consumption.

3. 100 Rs. notes- a single serving of all Cereals and Pulses come in this category that means if you consume 1 Chapatti, a piece of Bread, 1 katori Cooked Rice, 1 katori Dal or 4 pcs. Of Britannia Marie Biscuits then you will get 100 Kcal of energy. Potato, Banana, Mango, Litchi and Cheeku also give 100 kcal of energy upon their 100 gm consumption that is why they are kept in this group.

4. 500 Rs. notes- all fried foods like Pakori, Kachori, Poori, Paratha, Patties etc, all sweets like Rasgullah, Gulab Jamun, Barfi, Laddoo, Ice-Creams, Chocolates, Pies, Brownies, Truffles etc come in this category.

So simple! Will you remember now how to count the calories? It is from now onwards it is like counting notes for you!

The basic rule is that if you want to reduce weight you should eat lots of Rs. 20 and Rs. 50 foods; if you want to increase weight you should eat Rs. 100 foods and if you want to increase weight as well as heart disease eat Rs. 500 foods.

What is the use of Counting Calories?

The body uses about 1600 calories per day for a common sedentary person. If more than 1600 calories are eaten by anyone on a particular day body will spare calories left out. These will be converted into fats and stored in the body increasing our weight. If this goes on everyday gradually the body weight will increase. So, if anyone wants to lose weight, his/her calorie consumption should be 1000 per day. They should consume only Rs. 20 and Rs. 50 foods. They should also minimize the consumption of Rs. 100 foods. And all those food items coming in 500 Rs. notes are strictly prohibited; if you take them then definitely you are going to get serious health problem over a period of time. All major health related problems like obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease and diabetes etc. are actually, the problem which we buy in these 500 Rs. notes food items. If someone wants to gain weight. He/she has to eat more of Rs. 100 and Rs. 500 foods and avoid or take less low calorie food (Rs. 20 and Rs. 50 foods). Heart patients and Obese should completely avoid Rs. 500 foods.

SAAOL’s Calorie Note Food Items List

Diet Tips

Diet Tips When Following Jadoo Diet

A common menu of Jadoo diet

Breakfast: Fruits & Salads
Lunch: Dalma (Thin Dal/Lentil + Chopped Vegetables/Salads)
Dinner: Boiled Vegetables with Soup
In-Between: Fresh Juices, Coconut Water, Lemon Water, Herbal Drinks & Fruits/Salads.

Seven Foods that lead to Weight Loss

1.Fruits: There is no restriction on eating the fruits. All fruits are low calorie fruits except Mango, Banana, Cheeku, Grapes and Litchi.

2.Vegetables: All vegetables can be eaten freely except Potato because it has high calorie than all other vegetables. But always remember that vegetable should be zero oil cook. Because after adding oil, the calories of the vegetable start doubling.

3.Salads: Eat all types of salads in full. There is no restriction.

4.Soups: Make any type of food but without any fat or cream. This is very helpful in losing weight because soup contains more water and water has no calories. This is healthy too.

5.Skimed Milk: You can add skim milk in your diet. It has very low calories and about negligible fat. You can take buttermilk also.

6.Fruit Juices: Drink all fruits juices except Mango, Banna, Grapes, Cheeku, Litchi without any restriction. Take care that there should be no added sugar in fruit juices, because sugar has high calorie.

7.Tea/Coffee: Take tea/coffee freely. There is no calorie of water and flavor in these; calorie is only of sugar and milk. So, do not add sugar and milk in tea/coffee. If you want to use milk then add skim milk. But avoid sugar fully in tea/coffee.

Four Fruits which Increase Weight

1. Mango
2. Banana
3. Grapes
4. Cheeku

These four foods lead to increment in weight. So, Jadoo diet advices people to avoid them while they want to lose weight.

Exercises which lead to Weight Loss

1. Walking
2. Surya Namaskar
3. Skipping
4. Aerobics
5. Cycling

Diet takes care of 80-90% of the weight loss when one follows Jadoo diet. But if you want to lose faster and keep the body fit – please add one or two of the above in your daily routine. A minimum of 35 minutes time has to be spent on these exercises on daily basis.


Questions Asked by the Patients

Ques1. How long to follow the Jadoo Diet?
Ans. Jadoo Diet needs to be followed in full for only a few months when you lose rapidly to your Target weight. Then you can relax it and go for: Jadoo Maintenance Diet” where one of the meals can be replaced with normal food – preferably cooked “Zero Oil”.

Ques2. If someone has a disease (like Diabetes, Thyroid, Osteoarthritis), can he follow the Jadoo Diet to lose weight?
Ans: Jadoo Diet gives immense benefits to all the above diseases. As you lose weight – Diabetes gets controlled, BP reduces if it was high – BP tablets need to be reduced if BP falls. Osteo Arthritis and joint pains improve substantially as one loses weight.

Ques3. Weakness happens a few days after following the Jadoo Diet.
Ans: Jadoo diet has three meals – Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. But the food gets digested in two to three hours and the hunger may come back – you may feel weak at that moment. Please take some juices, salads, or cut fruits at that time. Another possibility is the reduction of BP and sugar for those who are on medicines for these diseases – please withdraw the medicines in consultation with your physician. Some people feel weakness when people comment “you are looking weak” – please take such comments as a compliment and renew your efforts towards further reduction.

Ques4. Hunger begins after every 2 or 3 hours.
Ans: Possible. Please take a glass of juice, soup, or a cup of tea (without sugar). A bowl of salad or fruits can also be taken. There is no restriction on the number of times you eat in the Jadoo diet and also in the quantity of food.

Ques5. Following Jadoo Diet is expensive.
Ans: Not at all. If you want to save money – please go to the market yourself and look for the cheapest of the vegetables, salads, and fruits in the market. The prices vary with the season – tomatoes, cucumber, cabbages are very cheap in season time.

Ques6. Are milk and its products are allowed in Jadoo Diet?
Ans: Yes. But remember that milk has a lot of fats. So, anything you want in the form of milk or its products – should be with Skimmed milk. Buttermilk or Chhach can replace Soups and Juices if you want and help to reduce weight. Paneer should be taken in small quantity if one wishes to have paneer.

Ques7. Are readymade soups allowed in this diet?
Ans. Making soup at home is cumbersome and the taste may not come. When one is in an outside location making soup may not be possible. So, the Jadoo diet allows Readymade soups to help people to follow the program practically. Preservatives are not like poison – but if someone can prepare soup at home with all taste it is best.

Ques8. After following Jadoo Diet, constipation occurs. What should be done?
Ans: Jadoo diet gives plenty of fibers – so constipations are very rare. But if you have it – please take plenty of water. This helps the intestine and it does not reabsorb water from the stool and the stool remains soft.

Ques9. Are dry fruits are allowed?
Ans: Most of the dry fruits and especially nuts have a lot of fats and plenty of Calories. So, it goes against the Jadoo diet. Please avoid them.

Ques10. Does Jadoo Diet reduce belly fat or only reduce weight?
Ans: Jadoo diet takes out fats from all over the body. The belly also reduces. But if you want to reduce belly specifically please add ABS exercises in your routine of exercises. Please Type ABS Exercise and search on YouTube for these exercises.

Ques11. Can we take Oats, Daliya and Cornflakes in Jadoo Diet?
Ans: No. These are cereals and have a lot of calories. They are Rs. 10 foods. You can have them once in a while in a very small quantity for the sake of taste. You can have then in one meal during Jadoo’s maintenance period.

Ques12. Can we add non-veg food in Jadoo Diet?
Ans. Jadoo diet does not recommend Non-Veg as they have Cholesterol. But if someone is very keen only a small amount of Boiled Fish or Chicken is allowed once in a while.

Ques13. Can we add a teaspoon of sugar or honey, if following Jadoo Diet?
Ans. It is preferred not to add sugar or Honey- as they give extra calories. Once you take the chances of a retake is also possible. Try to take natural artificial sweeteners like Stevia, if you want sweetness.

Ques14. Are roasted chana allowed in this diet?
Ans: No. A hundred grams of Roasted Chana or gram has 350 calories. This goes against losing weight.

Ques15. Can we take 1-2 wheat flour or besan chapatti?
Ans. No is the straight answer. But if you are adamant please have once in a week or so.

Ques16. Can we take multivitamin along with this diet?
Ans. There is no need. The fruits and vegetables already give plenty of them.

Ques17. In Jadoo Diet, from where we get protein?
Ans. Jadoo diet allows plenty of Dhal or Pulses. They give proteins. If you take skimmed milk – that also gives you proteins. Few months of little protein deficiency does not harm you.

Ques18. There is a feeling of bore.
Ans. To avoid this please keep on making changes in the variety. The fruits can be changed. Vegetables can be cooked with zero oil. Soups should be rotated. Chutneys, ketchup, salt, and masalas can be used whenever needed.

Ques19. Following this diet makes us bored because the food does not have tast?
Ans. Please add milk products, chutneys, ketchup, and proper zero oil cooking (where spices are allowed) to make foods tasty. Try to enjoy the natural taste of fruits and salads. They taste wonderful.

Ques20. What is Half Jadoo Diet?
Ans. This can be called Jadoo Maintenance Diet also. Here we allow you one or two meals with cereals. This can be followed for long term weight management and stop regaining of weight.

Ques21. Which dal/pulses can be taken in Jadoo Diet? And in what quantity can be taken in a day?
Ans. There are ten kinds of dals in the market. Take whichever you feel. Mix them in different quantities to make more varieties. All of them are allowed. Thin consistency is preferred if you want to lose faster.

Ques22. Are Eggs allowed in Jadoo Diet?
Ans. Egg whites are allowed but do not take more than one per day.

Ques23. Is Tomato Ketchup allowed in Jadoo Diet?
Ans. Yes. It does not have a lot of calories. We allow a small amount of preservatives.

Ques24. Are Sprouts allowed in Jadoo Diet?
Ans. No. They have high calories.

Ques25. When book will launch on Jadoo Diet?
Ans. It is with the publisher and 95% completed form.


We are receiving thousands of patient's comments and responses after watching and following the Jadoo Diet. Here we are presenting some of them:

Shahzad Ramay
I lose 23 Kg in 6 months without any medication... I did daily walk...

Dharmendra Patel
I loss 14 kg in 45 days

Sapna kumari
3 महीना में मैने weight 17 kg कम किया है पहले 81kg के थी अब 64 kg ke हूं

Bhomiya Ji Maharaj
22 kg कम हो गया 3 महिने मे पहले 91 kg अब 68 kg h

Arpitha chokka
I too tried, 15 kg lost in 3 months

Tanu Padia
Sir Ye diet se mera 15 Dino me 5 kg loss hu h Ye Jadu diet sach me kaam krti h

Nitish Rana
Respect sir, my weight 85.6kg in may 5th and 2nd June it's 76.6kg , 26 June my weight 67.9kg... .... Jadoo diet + 7km walking (also 0 oil sabji)

Awill Misra
13 kg loosen in 3 months by jadoo diet

Arun Jee
Thank you sir it's really work maine bhi apna 14 kg loss Kiya hai 2 month me

Rekhank Kayasth
Sir, reduced 12 kg in 2 months, superb diet, wear shirt of 2004

Suresh Chandra Tarenia
sir main pichhle 15 saal se wt loss keliye kosis kar raha tha lekin wt loss nahin ho raha tha lekin app ka jadoo diet wala video dekh kar main 24 days main 7.1 kg wt loss karchuka noon. app mere jindegi badal di ,thanks sir

Ambrish Pandey
I have lost 13 Kgs in 29 days. Shikha Sharma1 month ago Sir within 25 days I have redused 4.5 kg's really magic'

Jaanvi Hinduja
I have lost 5kgs in 20days

Utpal nayak
94 to 78 in 40 days

Manjunath yelukolli
I loss 4kg in fifteen day

Jagmohan pupneja
Mera wait 3 kg less hua 10 day me

Naveen Singh
This (Jadoo Diet) is a great choice to lose weight. I have lost approximately 8 kg in 25 days which was earlier impossible for me.

Nitish Rana
Jadoo diet really work krta he.. Mene isse 2.5 month mein 20kg weight loss kiya he

Avtar Saini
Dr. SahabAapne Bilkul sahi baat batai hai. Mene bhi 2018 mein 25 kg weight loss kiya hai, jo ke pehle 90 kg hua karta tha... Thank you

I loose 4 Kg in a week . Jadoo diet + exercise. Tanu Padia1 week ago Sir mene Jadu diet se 15din me 5 kg loss kiya

Kiran Tak
Maine 8kg wt loss kia h 1 mahine me.

Juber Saiyad
Hello sir ...manay suru kiye huye sirf 8 din huye...5 kg lose kiya ..

Jaya Rajpurohit
Tq so much sir aapki ye jadu diet se mene 1 week me 2 kg kam kiya h

Talha Rasool
I have lost 13kg weight in just 1.5 month

Tariq Siddiqui
Its really works as I lost 4k.g in one months.

Nawab ansari
Sir aap ka diet bahut hi badiya hai maine 25 din me 7 kg wait loss kiya hai

Sir main apna loss kiyaa Hu 2 months 18 kg I Salut sir

Thanks sir many apna 20 kg wait kam kiya only 60 days

Ram Hisar
Maine 18 kg km kiya h 3 month me

Lohith Aradhya
Sir I lost 20kg of weight in 2.5 months

Manjunath yelukolli
Ty sir urs jaadu diet plan is working I loss 12 kg in 3months

Rahul Modi
I lose 10kg weight within 2 month

Waqas Ahmed
Sir, I'm lost weight from 82kg to 70kg in 45 days.

Lakhvinder Lucky
Sir apki diet batne se mene 10 kg loss keha 2 month me

SIR MERI UMRA 25 SAAL H MERA WJN 78 Kg tha pr aapke btaye trike se maine kewl 2 month me apna wjn av 63 kr liya h thank you Sir

Kamal gill
5 kg loss hua mera within 29 days

Recipe of the month

Zero Oil Potato Chips

Zero Oil Potato Chips
Potato – 150 gm
Kali Mirch Powder – ½ t
Kasuri Methi – ½ t crushed
Salt – according to taste

Method :
1. Slice the potatoes into thin rounds using a sharp knife or a slicer. Aim to have them about 1/8 inches thick, they should not be too thick.
2. Place the potatoes in a single layer on microwave tray. Microwave them for 2-3 minutes until crispy and golden brown. Gently remove the chips and place on the serving plate.
3. Sprinkle salt, black pepper and kasuri methi mix on the potato chips. Let them cool for few minutes and Zero Oil Potato Chips are ready to serve.

Calories in 20 gm Zero Oil Potato Chips: 70 calories
Calories in 20 gm Potato Chips with Oil: 110 calories

Dr. Chhajer


    Dear Readers/followers.
    Weight Loss Magic Diet

    Few decades back there was a problem due to lack of nutrition called Malnutrition. But now in the modern world there are various problems due to over-nutrition, availability of nutrition or wrong nutrition. Heart disease is most common problem in this context and is fatal. It is killing a lot of population. The second most common problem is Overweight or Obesity. Mostly the people of middle or upper class are obese. Obesity brings many problems like bad posture, high BP, high Sugar, Joint Pain etc. Today our topic is Obesity and how to take care of it.
    If we deeply analyze the causes of Obesity we find five reasons behind the huge number of people who have become obese or over weight. These are:
    1. Availability of high calorie food like Fatty Foods and Cereals.
    2. Lack of physical activity because people have no time.
    3. Lack of knowledge about calorie content of various foods.
    4. Consumption of high calorie food in outside or parties.
    5. Lack of control over the emotional mind. They know that the food has more calories but they still consume it.

  • If we discuss the third point - that people have lack of knowledge about calories - this can be solved. It happened because the schools and colleges do not teach counting of calories in the diet. The doctors and dieticians do not have time to make people aware about calories. Some people read magazines or see on internet and acquire some knowledge which is not complete. The counting of the calories is also very complicated – as most of the foods have combination of carbohydrates, proteins, water, fiber and fats.
    To solve this, we in Saaol have devised a very simple formula for our followers. Those who want to lose weight find it very simple and have been able to lose weight by 10-40 kilograms in months. We explain this counting as “Count your calories like you count your money”.

  • We realized that some foods have very low calories – about 100 grams will give us 20 calories. We called them Rs. 20 foods. They are mostly vegetables and salads. The next group has little more calories – about 50 calories per 100 grams. These are Rs. 50 foods. This group includes most of the fruits. The third group had all the carbs(carbohydrates) and Proteins. About 25 grams of these foods in raw form(uncooked form) leads to 100 calories. These are mostly Cereals and pulses. They are called Rs. 100 foods. And lastly are the foods which have very high fat contents with cereals – these are Rs. 500 foods.
    Just understanding and identifying these foods can work miracles for those who want to lose weight. Eating Rs. 20 and 50 foods and avoiding Rs.100 and Rs.500 foods will lead to weight loss. This is the simple concept of Jadoo Diet. Millions of people have seen our videos in YouTube and lost weight. You can also do the same – if you want.

    Dr. Bimal Chhajer


Westend DLF, Farm No. 5, Mandi Road, Chhattarpur
New Delhi - 110030, Ph.: 011-26802684/85/86
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