Balanced Diet EECP Treatment Zero Oil Cooking

How Does Daily Lifestyle Affect Heart Health?

It sounds very simple, doesn’t it, “Change your lifestyle for better heart health”? Do you know, Heart diseases are one of the top 5 causes of death in India. The major cause of heart disease is the way we live and the lack of commitment we possess. The expedited life has made us so comfortable with sedentary habits that change sounds fearful. Every time we eat out we promise to control but we never actually control it. More than genetics our daily routine impacts our hearts. 

Factors leading to heart risks:-

Our habits form our future. In our daily life, we are exposed to several risk factors for heart disease that we tend to ignore. Here are a few of them: 
  1. Smoking: Not just the heart, it impacts every organ of the body. When you consume cigarette smoke, the blood that circulates throughout your body becomes contaminated with the toxins.  These compounds impact your heart and blood vessels, leading to cardiovascular disease.
  2. Stress, High blood pressure & Cholesterol: Working people are at higher risk of heart problems because of their lifestyles. With work pressure, a person doesn’t get time to relax and exercise. This leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol imbalance. This negatively impacts heart health. 
  3. Binge eating: The fast-paced life often leaves no time for eating hence we begin eating at odd hours or binge-eating. This increases our weight leading to obesity which is another major cause of concern. 
  4. Alcohol: It surely gives you pleasure for a while but rapidly increases your heart risk. Drinking in excess of the recommended amount can result in an elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, weakening heart muscle, and an irregular pulse. All of these factors can raise the risk of an alcohol-related heart ailment. 
  5. Absence of Exercise: Exercising regularly reduces the demand for the heart to pump more blood to the muscles by improving the muscles’ ability to extract oxygen from the blood. It also reduces stress hormones, which might cause the heart to work harder. Slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure, similar to a beta-blocker. As a result, not doing so increases all hazards, but one must also make sure that their exercise regime is aligned with their health.

Ways to Prevent Heart Risk

Well, changing a lifestyle isn’t a day’s job but with consistent efforts and determination, we can make changes happen. Here are the following ways to prevent heart problems
  1. Exercise: Being with a regular exercise routine. If you have not worked out in a long time or never exercised, don’t hit the gym directly. Being with beginners’ level of workout regime. This will increase your stamina and make your body ready for intense exercise.
  2. Eat healthily: Instead of ordering junk food, switch to healthy options. Add nutritious food items and maintain a healthy diet
  3. Stay hydrated: Hydration is very important. When you stay hydrated your heart pumps blood much more efficiently and it also reduced strain on muscles. 
  4. Reduce stress: You can’t eliminate stress but you can surely manage it. Practicing yoga and meditation are some common ways to reduce stress. This will also reduce your blood pressure, stress, and cholesterol. 
  5. Quit smoking and drinking. You might feel they are helping your manage your stress but they are actually harming you. Quit them!
Heart problems have an impact on one’s overall quality of life. It exaggerates the size of little tasks. For more than 26 years, SAAOL-Science and Art of Living have worked with heart patients. We’ve seen how our habits contribute to cardiac disease, which we treat with EECP therapy. It is a non-invasive procedure that aids in the treatment of heart blockages. Along with treatment, specialists at the SAAOL centre counsel their patients to make healthy lifestyle choices. They recommend making dietary modifications such as switching to zero oil-free cooking recipes along with a healthy diet. This improves the nutritional value of the dish. This would protect the heart by reducing the chance of heart diseases like stroke, heart attack, and heart failure. If you still have concerns about the treatment, contact SAAOL, the Science and Art of Living Center.