EECP Treatment Sleep and Exercise

What happens when you sleep & exercise too much?

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” From our childhood, we have been taught the importance of sleep and exercise. We are told that a regular exercise routine comes with many health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, healthy weight and reduced risk of heart ailments. But think about it, were we ever told when to stop?  Did you know that too much sleep or exercise might be harmful? SAAOL, Science and Art of Living, a centre that provides EECP heart treatment, has highlighted how too much sleep and exercise might raise the danger of certain health ailments & complications. Everything that is undertaken in life, should be in moderation, as that is the only way one can maintain a balance & get the best results.

Excess or No Sleep: How does it impact your heart?

There’s no question that a good night’s sleep is essential for overall health, but did you know that it’s also crucial for heart health? Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep are at a greater risk of heart disease, heart stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. Why is sleep so important for the heart? When we sleep, our bodies repair and regenerate themselves. This is when the heart gets a much-needed break from the demands of everyday life. During sleep, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, giving the heart a chance to rest. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body doesn’t have time to recover from the day’s activities properly. Over time, this can lead to high blood pressure, which puts strain on the heart and can eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. An average person must sleep for 7-9 hours but some of us could be long sleepers naturally. For these naturally long sleepers, 10-12 hours are required.  Lack of sleep increases the risk of stroke and heart attack whereas oversleeping puts you at the risk of angina.  At your next physical, mention to your doctor if you’re having difficulties obtaining seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Even though transient sleep issues are unlikely to have a lasting negative impact, establishing bad sleeping patterns might increase your chance of getting heart issues as well as other health issues in the future.

Excess or No Exercise how does it impact your heart?

For an average human being, the definition of a “good workout” is where a person is drenched in sweat and out of breath. But the picture of a real workout is totally inverse. A brisk walk or stretching combined with moderate exercises is also a workout. Exercise has many benefits for the heart. It can help to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce stress. Exercise also helps to keep the heart muscle strong. Exercising is important because the heart is a muscle that needs to be worked on in order to stay healthy. But when we overdo it, it leads to heart problems. This happens because our heart stays under constant strain. After a period of time, our heart’s arteries and veins begin to enlarge and the walls get thick. These changes can lead a healthy person to heart stroke or angina.  Endurance exercises have several advantages, including improved fitness, strength, and even psychological well-being. Don’t forget that more isn’t always better and less isn’t always bad. As we know that over exercising or lack of exercising both have an impact on the heart. So before taking up any exercise regime, make sure it is aligned with your body’s needs and doesn’t stress your heart.   SAAOL-Science and Art of Living, is constantly helping people with heart problems. What we have learned from our experience is that a heart problem doesn’t only affect the person but the whole family. Our EECP treatment is a promising alternative for heart patients who wish to avoid surgery. Low-voltage electrical shocks are used in the EECP treatment to increase the heart’s blood flow and oxygenation. People with a variety of cardiac diseases, including congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and angina, may benefit from this therapy. But we must also remember that this treatment alone cannot do wonders. One must make lifestyle changes as well as have dietary management.  Being fit is a decision, therefore it’s important to understand the importance of exercising and sleeping. But knowing “When to STOP!” is also very important.